하나우암스트롱육군항공대-부분번역 이시우 2005/09/30 462



◦ 1st Squadron, 1st Cavalry Regiment
Official Homepage

Armstrong Kaserne
Armstrong AAF
Buedingen [Büdingen], Germany

The 1-1st Armored Calvary is based in Büdingen and is home to both the M-1 A-1 Abrams and Kiowa Warrior armed aerial reconnaissance helicopters.
1-1장갑기병대는 뷰딩겐에 있고 M1A1아브람스와 전투원으로 무장된 항공수색헬기 키오와 의 부대이다.

Büdingen, home of the 1-1 Armored Cavalry, is the smallest of the 414th’s sub-communities.
뷰딩겐의 1-1장갑기병대의 집은 414지원대대의 하부공동체중 가장 작다.
Buedingen is located just 16 miles from Hanau and is part of the 414th BSB. The military installation in Buedingen, formerly known as Krueger Kaserne, was constructed between 1935 and 1939 for the German Machine Gun Battalion 3.
크루에거막사로 알려진 부딩겐의 군사시설은 1935년과 1939년 사이에 독일기관총3대대를위하여 건설됐다.
This unit was replaced in 1939 by an anti-tank battalion which was stationed on the post until its deployment into combat in 1944.
이부대는 1939년에 1944년 전투에 배치될 때까지 주둔했던 대전차부대로 재배치되었다.
Following the arrival of the Americans in 1945, the kaserne was renamed Armstrong Kaserne in honor of 1st Lieutenant Eugene M. Armstrong, an African-American.
1945년 미국이 도착함에 따라 아프리카계미국인인 암스트롱의 이름을 따서 암스트롱막사가 되었다.
Armstrong served as an air observer for the 68th Field Artillery Battalion and was killed in action on Anzio Beach head in Italy. Armstrong Kaserne is currently home to the 1st Squadron 1st Cavalry Regiment of Dragoons.

Budingen has its own castle in the middle of the town. Armstrong Barracks is only a few minutes away from downtown Budingen. In the Kaserne you will find a little bit of everything. Some of the facilities in Armstrong Barracks are: Dining Facility, Medical and Dental Clinics, small PX, shoppette with video club, Bank and ATM, library, Family Outreach Center, Gym, Child Care Center, Bowling Alley, Blackhawk Club, self help store, German Haanchen (BBQ chicken) Station.
Buedingen also has an interesting history. Buedingen is nestled in the southwestern foothills of the Vogelsberg Mountains. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Franks, seeking to control trade and travel, built many forts in the area surrounded by the Taunus, Vogelsberg, and Spessart Mountains. One of these forts was located in what is now the township of Buedingen. In the 12th century, this small, sandstone fort was replaced by a Carolingian style castle surrounded by a circular wall of stones. The castle, which became the residence of the lords of Buedingen, has been occupied ever since. In order to protect the city, one prince constructed a wall and created a moat. The wall still stands, and the old town is a beautiful example of late Gothic fortification. The Thirty Years War reduced the city’s population from 1500 to 500. Today, the city has approximately 7,000 residents. Highlights from a visit to Buedingen include the Rathaus and the Widow’s residence which are fine examples of 15th century architecture. There are also numerous gates, walls, and towers from the Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque periods.