하나우그로스아우하임-부분번역 이시우 2005/09/30 392


Grossauheim [Gross Auheim] Kaserne

◦ 26th Quartermaster (SSA)
◦ 55th Personnel Support Battalion
◦ 38th Engineer Company

The 8th Ordnance Battalion commenced a new life in Germany when it reactivated on 1 August 1951 in Feundhaven following four years of inactivation.
8병기대대는 1951년 8월1일 그뒤 편제된 4년에 wwovuswpeldjTdmfEo 독일에서 새로운 생활을 시작했다.
The battalion relocated in May 1955 to Pioneer Kaserne in Hanau, Germany.
이 대대는 독일하나우의 파이어니어 막사에 1955년5월 재배치됐다.
It was not until 21 May 1956 that the battalion was transferred to Grossauheim, to what was then known as the Hanau Engineer Depot (renamed Grossauheim Kaserne in 1965). 1956년 5월21일 이 대대는 하나우공병기지로 알려진 그로스아우하임으로 이동했다.(1965년 그로스아우하임 막사로 재명명되었다)
To get to Grossauheim Kaserne from Autobahn 3, follow the signs to Hanau. Exit to Hanau, pass half way one traffic circle across to the Dortmund Fulda and Hanau 45 sign. Stay on the right and exit at Grossauheim exit. Turn right and look for red flags (Bauhaus) on the right. Stay on the same road. At the end of the road turn right. Pass two stoplights. At the end of the road turn right again. There are four smoke stacks in front. Grossauheim Kaserne is approximately two miles on the left.