만하임 람퍼트하임훈련장 이시우 2005/09/22 318


Lampertheim Local Training Area (KLTA)

Lampertheim Training Area is a 4,000-acre training area that is used by about 5,000 soldiers a year but is largely open to the public for hiking, horseback riding and general recreation. Coleman Airfield is nearby.
What’s it take to clean up more than 30 years worth of bullets fired by Army riflemen into a Cold War training range? About $500,000 and a thousand dump truck loads of super-scrubbed dirt. That’s exactly what the Army did at its Lampertheim Training Area just outside Mannheim. Reluctant to leave behind millions of lead and copper chunks from bullets allowing heavy metal contaminants to seep into the local water supply, in 2001 the Army contracted the Mannheim firm Scherer and Kohl to scrape away 30,000 tons of dirt and give it a good cleaning. The range was shut down in 1999, but before that, tens of thousands of soldiers since the late 1960s had used the rifle range for marksmanship training on all kinds of small arms weapons. A 30-foot dirt berm served as a bullet-stopper.
The rifle range itself has been replaced by another, smaller facility nearby. Instead of 100 meter lanes surrounded by tall dirt berms, the new range uses 25 meter lanes and new technology that collects the bullets as they are fired through targets. Absorbed into a wall that bounces and slows the bullets as if they were traveling around and around inside the shell of a giant snail, the bullets end up in 96 collection buckets.
In June 2000 American and German Army soldiers teamed-up to sling load a HMMWV (‘Humvee’) to a hovering Blackhawk Helicopter. The practice sling-load operation took place at the Lampertheim Training Area. Soldiers of the 512th Maintenance Company, 51st Maintenance Battalion, 21st Training Support Command, USAREUR, and the 1st Maintenance Company, 220th Maintenance Battalion, German Army, took part in the practice sling-load operation, which is one of many training events the two units collaborate in. Other events include weapons firing and field training exercises
On March 23, 1982, flares were dropped into the open turret of an M-60 tank loaded with ammunition at Lampertheim Training Area, near Darmstadt, which resulted in an explosion and fire.