주한미군연습RSOI 이시우 2003/01/17 191

Reception, Staging, Onward movement, and Integration [RSOI]


Voice of the Hwarang

Reception, Staging, Onward movement, and Integration [RSOI] is a ROK-US Combined Forces Command (CFC), ROK government, simulation driven, OPLAN-oriented command post exercise (CPX) conducted annually. This Joint/Combined exercise focuses on the reception, staging, onward movement, and integration of strategic deployment forces; rear operations command and control; force protection; force tracking; and sustainment. The exercise includes a seminar where U.S./ROK leaders discuss issues associated with the Republic of Korea related OPLANs and a simulation-supported CPX focused on training commanders and staffs at Field Army level and above.

The RSOI Exercise is a command post exercise conducted under the control of the ROK-US Combined Forces Command (CFC). Contents of this computer-simulated exercise include the processes of reception, staging, movement to the forward area, and integration of US augmentation forces that would be deployed to the peninsula during war. Also included in these exercise are wartime support, mutual logistics support, mobilization, combined rear area coordination (CRAC) tasks and processes on the part of the ROK Armed Forces.

RSOI (Reception, Staging, Onward Movements and Integration) is a complex multi-pahse exercise conducted annually tailored to train, test and demonstrate US-ROK Force projection and deployment capability. RSOI is a CFC’s (Combined Forces Command) medium scale warfighting CPX (Command Post Exercise) with focus on the process of strategic deployment, Theater RSOI Force protection and sustainment. Usally, Phase I consist of a Senior Leader issues seminar focused on TPFDD, RSOI and Logistics for CFC/USFK and US/ROK supporting commands and agencies. PHASE II consist of a field “Walk-Thru”/FTX of selected FDO’S thru repsective RSOI/Sustainment process. PHASE III is the simulation driven CPX that exercises in supporting the OPLAN. The functions of each component of ROK/US agencies. PHASE IV is an AAR-oriented seminar/backbrief to refine/ update RSOI Theater and unit Plans/SOPs.

The RSOI Exercise has been conducted annually since 1994. The ROK Defense Ministry, Joint Chiefs of Staff, component commands of each branch of service, and operational commands participate in the exercise. The US has CFC, USFK, and augmentation forces taking part in the exercise.

The Republic of Korea and United States Combined Forces Command (ROK/US CFC) Reception, Staging, On-ward movement and Integration exercise, referred to as RSOI 02, was held March 21-27 in Korea. Along with RSOI 02, the joint and combined field training exercise referred to as Foal Eagle was linked with RSOI this year. RSOI is a scheduled annual combined/joint command post exercise first held in 1994 and used by CFC, ROK and U.S. forces commanders to train and evaluate command capabilities to receive U.S. forces from bases outside the country. The exercise involved a number of U.S. military units assigned on the Korean peninsula as well as ROK forces and a small number of U.S. forces deploying to Korea from Japan, Guam and the United States. One benefit of linking the two exercises is the command post exercise ties directly into the field training exercise, providing more realistic training opportunities. These exercises are designed to help teach, coach and mentor younger soldiers while exercising senior leaders