RSOI- JLOG/PE Develops ‘Rolling Brief’ 이시우 2005/11/28 509

JLOG/PE Develops ‘Rolling Brief’ Tool for TF-05

The identification of appropriate test products/enhancements is one of the major roles of the JLOG/PE JT&E and the use of external sources, such as participation in joint exercises, is the best way to identify suitable products. US Forces Korea’s (USFK) RSOI-04 provided the backdrop to discuss improvements in information management to support the sustainment of in-theater forces with representatives from all four Services. During RSOI-04 it was noted that one of the greatest challenges facing the Battle Captain was information flow and situational awareness. In response to this challenge, a Power Point “Rolling Brief”was on display in the Theater Logistics Operations Center (TLOC) and was kept current by the shift Knowledge Manager.

Building on USFK’s ideas, the JLOG/PE Rolling Brief enhancement was born. The JLOG/PE Rolling Brief is a web-based briefing that continually displays vital information, which scrolls across projection screens/monitors within the TLOC on a 24-hour basis to provide situational awareness. With the ability to remotely access the Rolling Brief from other locations, it can also be used for activities like; shift change briefings or J4 updates. The Rolling Brief is a web based “knowledge resource” which provides easy access to data required to support the mission. The Rolling Brief mission is to create Building on USFK’s ideas, the JLOG/PE Rolling Brief enhancement was born. The JLOG/PE Rolling Brief is a web-based briefing that continually displays vital information, which scrolls across projection screens/monitors within the TLOC on a 24-hour basisto provide situational awareness. With the ability to remotely access the Rolling Brief from other locations, it can also be used for activities like; shift change briefings or J4 updates. The Rolling Brief is a web based “knowledge resource” which provides easy access to data required to support the mission. The Rolling Brief mission is to create an integrated data environment whereby mission information is more readily available and accurate, as Knowledge for the war fighters, by a faster and less expensive means. The Rolling Brief objectives are to permit rapid access to information whenever needed, wherever needed and for whoever needed across the Army, Air Force, and Navy/Marines (“Services”).

The Rolling Brief application is web-based and no special installation of client-side workstation software is required. Instead, a standard web browser is used making the Rolling Brief readily available from anywhere in the world. The Rolling Brief was developed using basic HTML and JavaScript code, making it very portable and non-platform specific. JavaScript is an easy-to-use programming language that can be embedded in the header of web pages, thus making it easy to author them without any tools other than a text editor. The Rolling Brief source files are placed within the directory structure of the maintained status files and a data array points to the files required for the briefing. The status files can be word documents, power point slides, excel spreadsheets, or even other web pages. Once loaded, the Action Officers (AO) will update the files from key referenced items from the REPOL, MUREP, and the LOG SITREP reports during their routine submission cycles.

The PACOM version of the Rolling Brief utilizes existing Share Point Portal web server resource where client devices (workstations, laptops, and/or electronic display devices (projectors)) can access it through the SIPR Net. Share Point Portal Server helps to organize their large, complex information sources and to securely manage documents, files and other content with multiple authors and approvers. Authorized users have secure access to important files at any time, from anywhere. Share Point Portal was an existing resource that simplified development of the Rolling Brief because it satisfied several requirements such as controlled document access based on user roles, check-in and check-out to ensure that only one person works on a document at a time, and version tracking to keep archived versions for reference and recovery.

Properly utilized, the Rolling Brief enhancement will eliminate daily power point slide preparation/presentations, eliminate the time consuming shift change briefing, maintain continuity of work within the J4 staff sections, and create additional time for the J4 staff to focus on planning, analysis, forecasting, and problem solving for the Joint Task Force J4.

COL Edward Fisher, JLOG/PE Test Director,
participated in the 5th annual Council of Logistics
Management (CLM) Symposium on May 7, 2004,
held at the conference center at Penn State Great Valley.
The CLM is a professional business organization
of individuals throughout the world who have interests
and/or responsibilities in logistics and supply
chain management and the related functions that make
up the logistics profession. CLM was founded in
1963. A group of educators, consultants, and managers
who had been participating in a distribution seminar
felt that top-level executives in their companies
should be made aware of the critical role that logistics
management plays in improving marketing efficiency
and profits.
The mission of CLM is to serve the evolving
logistics profession by developing, advancing, and
disseminating logistics knowledge. CLM works in
cooperation with private industry and allied organizations
to develop the theory and understanding of the
logistics process, promote the art and science of managing
logistics systems, and foster dialogue and development
within the profession.
COL Fisher spoke on applying Test and
Evaluation Techniques for in-theater combat sustainment.
Within the framework of the JLOG/PE Test
Program, COL Fisher described the unique data collection
efforts during Exercises Unified Endeavor and
Terminal Fury, coupled with the JLOG/PE interface
with CENTCOM and USFK. He presented the JLOG/
PE test timeline, and discussed the JLOG/PE impact
on the Doctrine, Organizations, Training, Material,
Leadership, Personnel, and Facilities process. Preliminary
accomplishments for the JLOG/PE Program
were shared and possible enhancements for class III
(POL) and class V (Ammo) were explained to the participants.
CLM Symposium participants were extremely
interested in the JLOG/PE JT&E and look
forward to annual program updates
JLOG/PE Test Director Participates in Logistics Symposium
Four team members from the Joint Logistics Planning
Enhancements (JLOG/PE) Program JT&E attended
USFK RSOI-04 to collect class III (Fuel) and class V
(Ammo) data, observe the flow of information and decision
processes, and interview key staff members. RSOI-04 provided
the backdrop to discuss improvements in information
management to support the sustainment of in-theater forces
with representatives from all four Services. The team members
on a daily basis worked with the USFK J4 Fuels and
Ammo Sections, Battle Captains, Knowledge Managers,
Logistics planners, and Information
Technology personnel. They also
had interview/discussion sessions
with BG Tim McHale, USFK J4,
and BG Mike Schweiger, USFK
Wartime J4, on a daily basis.
During the Exercise, the typical
data collection day started with the
morning update brief and concluded
with the shift change brief. Numerous Video Teleconferences
were conducted during the course of the duty
day between Staff and Component Commanders. A
“Rolling Brief” was on display in the Theater Logistics Operations
Center (TLOC) and was kept current by the shift
Knowledge Manager. A “Common Operating Picture
(COP)” was an important element of the rolling brief. The
COP was instituted by the CFC Commander, GEN Leon
LePorte, to maintain standardization and quality in data
Principal products produced by the USFK J4
Ammo Section included the MUREP, AMMO COP, and
the 3X 5 Card which contained data for the “Rolling Brief”
and the LOG SITREP. We received a copy of the spread
sheet used by the AMMO Section as a backup to the
MUREP. Principal products produced by the USFK J4 Fuels
section included the REPOL, POL COP, and the 3X 5
Card. Several potential POL enhancements were identified
by the USFK Fuels personnel that could be incorporated in
the Integrated Consumable Item Support (ICIS) program
which they currently use. The LOG SITREP
is web based and forwarded by
the components to the USFK J4. All
functional areas within the J4 evaluate
their areas of the LOG SITREP and code
the COP red, amber, or green. The section
assessment criteria are subjective in
nature with its focus on impact on the
warfighter. The greatest challenge facing
the Battle Captain is information flow and situational
The JLOG/PE team received outstanding support
from the USFK J4 and his staff. As a result of this initiative,
the JLOG/PE team will continue to work with the
USFK J4 to recommend improvements to ICIS and NLAC
to support decisionmaking and crisis action planning for
classes III and V sustainment operations
JLOG/PE Team Members Participate in RSOI-04
“Clearly, Logistics is the
hard part of fighting a
Lt. Gen E.T. Cook


4 Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration
JLOG/PE team members consisting of 13 personnel
deployed to Seoul, South Korea, to participate
in the US Forces Korea (USFK) Reception,
Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration
(RSO&I) 2005 exercise in March 2005.
The intent of JLOG/PE’s involvement in the exercise
was to conduct product transitions, introduce
and demonstrate future enhancements, and
map the processes for munitions and fuels. The
team also provided assistance to the USFK J4
staff in preparing for the introduction of enhancements
during Ulchi Focus Lens 2005. The
JLOG/PE effort was concentrated at two primary
locations in Taegu: Camp Walker and
Camp Henry, 19th Theater Support Command;
and one secondary location at Osan AFB. In
addition to the internal JLOG/PE mission during
RSO&I, part of the team assisted personnel
from USJFCOM in assessing logistical processes.
In coordination with the Joint Staff J4 Munitions Office, JLOG/PE sponsored a Joint Theater Munitions Management
Subject Matter Expert (SME) Conference from February 23-24, 2005, at Aberdeen Proving Ground,
Maryland. JLOG/PE and the Joint Staff J4 co-chaired the 2-day conference, involving more than 30 personnel
from 18 different commands and agencies. Key commands and agencies represented at the conference included
the Joint Staff, all the Service Headquarters, US Central Command, US Pacific Command, US European Command,
US Joint Forces Command, US Forces Korea, Combined Force Land Component Commander, and the
Joint Munitions Command. The conference provided an excellent forum for discussing Service-specific munitions
initiatives and joint munitions management issues, and for introducing JLOG/PE products and enhancements
to the joint munitions community.
The conference followed a full and aggressive agenda, developed jointly by the co-chairs. Presentations were
provided by the Joint Munitions Command, the Naval Operations Support Center, the Office of the Secretary of
Defense, and others on a variety of joint munitions management issues. JLOG/PE presentations included an
overview and an update of the full JT&E. Follow-on briefings focused on JLOG/PE’s joint munitions management-
related enhancements, products, and cooperative efforts.
Overall, the JLOG/PE products and the conference were well received by all in attendance. Attendees expressed
the desire for a follow-on conference in 6 to 8 months to review the final status of JLOG/PE munitionsrelated
enhancements and to continue discussions on the critical issues raised at the initial conference. JLOG/
PE documented the results of the conference in a written report, which was provided to all participants. This
report can be made available if requested.
Munitions SME Conference