하이델베르그캠프벨기지지원대대-부분번역 이시우 2005/09/28 560


Campbell Barracks
Heidelberg, Germany
◦ HQ V Corps (Campbell)
◦ 503 CM Det (Campbell)
Base Operator
DSN: 314-370-6883/8010
Major Units
Mailing Address
not available
Driving Directions
not available

In the summer of 1994, V Corps headquarters moved from Frankfurt to Campbell Barracks, in Heidelberg. 1994년 여름 5군단사령부가 프랑크푸르트로부터 하이델베르그 캠프벨막사로 이사했었다.
The caserne was formally renamed Campbell Barracks on 23 August 1948 in memory of Staff Sergeant Charles L. Campbell, 14th Infantry Regiment, 71st Infantry Division, who was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross posthumously for extraordinary heroism.

On 28 March 1945, 2 days before the surrender of Heidelberg, Staff Sergeant Campbell led a patrol across the Rhine River near Mannheim and was killed while covering the withdrawal of his patrol as it returned to the west bank with valuable information.

After World War I the Versailles Treaty of 1919 restricted the defeated German nation to a small self-defense force limited to not more than 100,000 personnel.

The National Socialist regime came to power in January 1933 when Adolf Hitler became Chancellor. The new Government lost no time in taking steps to disregard what it perceived as unjustified terms of the 1919 treaty. In October 1933 Germany gave formal notice of its withdrawal from the League of Nations. In March 1935 compulsory military service was reinstated and a major buildup of the German armed forces began.
As part of the buildup, the 110th Infantry Regiment was activated in May 1936 and scheduled for stationing in Heidelberg. The existing Grenadier-Kaserne (now Patton Barracks) was not large enough to accommodate the regiment. Accordingly, a new installation was built in 1937 on what was then farmland on the southern outskirts of Heidelberg near the suburb of Rohrbach.
At first unnamed, the new installation was designated Großdeutschland-Kaserne after Austria became part of the German Empire in March 1938. Stories linking Großdeutschland-Kaserne to the Großdeutschland-Division of World War II have no foundation. The Kaserne predates the division, which was not formed until May 1942 when it was activated as an armored infantry (Panzer- Grenadier) division and later reorganized and redesignated an armored (Panzer) division. Neither the division nor any of its subordinate units were ever stationed in Heidelberg, nor was the 110th Infantry Regiment ever assigned or attached to the Großdeutschland-Division.
When completed, the new Kaserne in Heidelberg became the home of the 110th infantry Regiment’s headquarters, its 1st Battalion, and its two regimental support companies. The regiment’s 2d Battalion was stationed at Loretto-Kaserne (Hammonds Barracks) in Seckenheim, and the 3d Battalion at Grenadier-Kaseme (Patton Barracks).
At Großdeutschland-Kaserne the regimental staff occupied the north wing of what is now building 7; the 1st Battalion staff had the south wing. Buildings 3 and 5 were the Kantine with a dining facility, recreation room, and a snackbar where troops could buy food and drink when off duty. The upper floors of buildings 3 and 5 provided living quarters for the staff of these facilities, usually retired career soldiers and their families. The 1st, 2d, and 3d (rifle) Companies of the 1st Battalion were billeted in buildings 9, 13, and 8, respectively; the 4th (heavy weapons) Company in building 15; the 13th (cannon) Company in building 14; and the 14th (antitank) Company in building 12.
Building 31-south provided stables for the horses of the 1st Battalion staff and the 4th (heavy weapons) Company, while building 3 1-north had stables for the regimental staff and the 13th (cannon) Company. Building 16 contained quarantine stalls for sick and injured horses. Arms rooms were in buildings 28 and 37. The regimental blacksmith was in building 25. The section of building 31 connecting buildings 31-south and 31-north was a riding hall. The parking lot in front of the building was a riding ring. Building 18 was a drill hall. The parade ground to the west of building 7 has been a parade ground since the caserne was built.

The first American troops entered Heidelberg on the morning of Food Friday, 30 March 1945, the city surrendering without a fight.
처음 미국군대는 도시주위에 전투가 없는 1945년 3월30일금요일 아침 하이델베르그에 입성했었다.
The U.S. units that initially occupied Großdeutschland-Kaserne (now Campbell Barracks) are not known, but by V-E Day—8 May 1945—the caserne was occupied by the headquarters of the U.S. 6th Army Group.
그로스도이칠란트막사(캠프벨)을 처음 점령한 미군은 몰랐다. 그러나 막사는 1945년 5월8일 미6군의 사령부에 의해 점령되었다.
The Army Group headquarters was inactivated in June 1945, whereupon the headquarters of the U.S. Seventh Army moved from Augsburg to Heidelberg, officially opening at Großdeutschland-Kaserne on 22 July 1945.
미육군사령부는 1945년 6월 잠잠했었다. 그래서 미7육군 사령부는 아우그스부르그에서 하이델베르그로 이사했다. 사무적으로는 1945년 7월22일 그로스도이칠란트막사가 열렸다.
The Seventh Army headquarters remained in Heidelberg until its inactivation on 31 March 1946.
7군사령부는 1946년 3월 31일 7군이 잠잠해질때까지 하이델베르그에 남았었다.
The headquarters of the U.S. Third Army then moved from Bad Tölz to Großdeutschland-Kaserne on 2 April 1946.
3군사령부는 1946년 4월2일 배드톨쯔로부터 그로스도이칠란트막사로 이사했었다.
In the meantime the Third Army had activated a new organization on 15 February 1946 called the U.S. Constabulary.
그러는사이 3군은 1946년 2월15일 미국경찰이라 불리게 된 새로운 조직을 활성화시키게 되었다.
The Constabulary was basically a police force with the mission of maintaining law and order in the U.S. Zone of what was then occupied Germany.
경찰은 기본적으로 법을 유지를 임무로 한 경찰력과 점령한 독일의 미국지역을 지휘했다.
A year later, on 15 February 1947, the Constabulary headquarters moved from Bamberg to Großdeutschland-Kaserne and the Third Army headquarters was inactivated on 15 March 1947.
1년뒤 1947년 2월 15일 경찰 사령부는 밤베르그로부터 그로스도이칠란트 막사로 이사했다. 그리고 3군사령부는 1947년 3월15일에 잠잠했었다.
During this time the headquarters of the U.S. Army in Europe, then known as the U.S. Forces, European Theater (USFET), was stationed in Frankfurt in the IG Farben Building (the Abrams building).
이기간동안 유럽전구미군을 알려진 유럽육군의 사령부는 IG파르벤 빌딩(아브람스빌딩)이 있는 프랑크푸르트에 머물렀었다.
On 15 March 1947, the same day Third Army headquarters was inactivated, USFET was redesignated as the European Command (EUCOM), not to be confused with the joint United States European Command (USEUCOM) of today.
1947년 3월 15일 같은날에 3군사령부는 잠잠했었고 유럽전구미군은 유럽사령부로 재조직되었었다. 오늘의 미국유럽합동사령부와함께 혼란없이 있다.
In the series of phased moves between February and June 1948, the Constabulary headquarters moved from Heidelberg to Stuttgart and the EUCOM headquarters moved into the vacated facilities at Großdeutschland-Kaserne.
단계의 연속으로 1948년 2월과 6월사이에 이동한 경찰사령부는 하이델베르그에서 스투트가르트로 이사했었고, 유럽사령부 그로스도이칠란트의 비어 있는 시설들로 이사했었다.
Until July 1949, the Commander in Chief, EUCOM, was also the US Military Governor of occupied Germany. His office and personal staff were in Berlin.
1949년 7월까지 유럽사령부 사령관은 또한 점령독일의 군정관이었다. 그이의 사무실과 참모들은 베르린에 있었다.
The ranking officer in Heidelberg was the EUCOM Chief of Staff.
하이델베르그의 고급장교는 유럽사령부참모장이다.
While Lieutenant General Clarence R. Huebner was the EUCOM Chief of Staff, the riding hall in building 31 was converted to a casino, which opened on 4 March 1949.
육군중장 클레어런스허브너가 유럽사령부참모장을 하는동안 31번 빌딩의 승마홀은 1949년 3월4일 문을 연 카지노를 개장했다.
The next significant organizational change came on 1 August 1952 when a new joint headquarters, the United States European Command (USEUCOM), was activated in Frankfurt.
다음의 괄목할만한 조직상의 변화는 새로운 미국유럽사령부 합동사령관 프랑크푸르트에 활성화된 1952년 8월1일 오게되었다.
At the same time, the EUCOM headquarters in Heidelberg was redesignated the United States Army, Europe (USAREUR).
같은 시간에 하이델베르그의 유럽사령부는 유럽미육군으로 재조직되었다.
A small NATO planning cell called the CENTAG Plans Staff was also established at this time within the USAREUR headquarters staff, with the Commander in Chief, USAREUR, given the additional title of Commander, CENTAG (COMCENTAG).
CENTAG계획진이라 불린 작은 나토 계획부서는 이때에 유럽미육군총사령관과 CENTAG사령부의 제목을 추가로 준 유럽미육군사령부 안에 설립되었었다.
In April 1959 the CENTAG Plans Staff was designated Headquarters, CENTAG, and separated from the USAREUR headquarters staff.
1959년 4월 센탁 계획진은 사령부와 센탁그리고 미유럽육군 사령부참모에서 분리되었었다.
The USAREUR G3 (as the Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations, was then known) nevertheless continued to serve as the CENTAG Chief of Staff while serving as the USAREUR G3.
미유럽육군 G3(작전담당 부참모장으로 알려진)는 그럼에도불구하고 미유럽육군G3로서 일하는 동안은 센탁 참모장으로서 일한다.
The Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (SACEUR), formally activated a separated CENTAG headquarters on 1 October 1960.
유럽최고동맹군사령관은 1960년 10월1일 분리된 센탁사령관으로 정식으로 편제되었다.
Between June and August 1961 the CENTAG headquarters staff moved from Campbell Barracks to Hammonds Barracks in Seckenheim.
1961년 6월과 8월사이 센탁사령부진은 캠프벨막사에서 세켄하임 함몬트막사로 이동하였다.
On 1 December 1966 the Seventh Army headquarters (which had been reactivated in Stuttgart in November 1950) merged with the USAREUR headquarters.
1966년 12월1일 7군사령부(1950년11월 스투트가르트에서 재편성된)는 미유럽육군사령부와 합쳐졌다.
This new headquarters was designated Headquarters, United States Army, Europe, and Seventh Army (HQ USAREUR/7A).
이 새로운 사령부들은 미육군유럽사령부와 7군으로 지정되었다.
In the late 1970s a series of studies concluded that interallied coordination would be improved by stationing three international NATO headquarters on the same installation with HQ USAREUR/7A.
1970년후반에 동맹국간 조정은 미유럽육군,7군과 함께 같은 건물에 세 개의 나토사령부가 거주함에 의해 이루어진 진전에 대한 일련의 연구는 종결되었다.
This resulted in the headquarters of the Fourth Allied Tactical Air Force (4ATAF) moving into building 8 of Campbell Barracks in September 1980.
이것은 1980년 9월 캠프벨 막사의 8번 빌딩안으로 4연합전술공군의 사령부가 이동하는 것으로 결과지워졌다.
The CENTAG headquarters returned to Campbell Barracks in December 1980, occupying offices in buildings 3,5, and 7 (with an office for the CENTAG Chief of Staff in building 1).
센탁 사령부는 1980년 12월 캠프벨 막사로 돌아왔다.3,5,7번 빌딩에 사무실을 차지하여(1번빌딩에 있는 센탁참모장을 위한 사무실과 함께)
Finally, the headquarters of the Allied Command Europe Mobile Force (Land) moved to Campbell Barracks in December 1980, occupying part of building 7.
마지막으로 유럽기동부대(육지)동맹국 사령부의 사령관들은 1980년 12월 캠프벨 막사로 7번 빌딩을 차지하여 이동했다.
In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the collapse of the Berlin Wall, the demise of the Soviet Union, and the dissolution of the East European Communist Block radically changed the politico-military situation in Europe.
1980년대 후반 90년대 초반 베를린 장벽의 붕괴는 소련의 종언과 동유럽공산블럭의 해체로 유럽의 정치군사적 상황은 급격히 변화되었다.
In addition to significant reductions and realignments of U.S. forces in Germany, a number of changes occurred in the NATO military organizational structure, all of which affected stationing at Campbell Barracks.
추가하여 주독미군의 주목할만한 감소와 재편성은 캠프벨막사에 영향력있게 주둔하던 모든나토군사조직구조에 많은 변화를 일으켰다
On 30 June 1993, CENTAG and 4ATAF discontinued operations.
1993년 6월30일에 센탁과 4연합전술공군은 작전을 중단했다.
On 1 July 1993, the headquarters of NATO’s Allied Land Forces Central Europe (LANDCENT) became operational on Campbell Barracks with a staff from seven nations (Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States).
1993년 7월1일 나토 사령부의 중부유럽연합지상군 7개국으로부터 참모와함께 작전상의 캠프벨 막사가 되었다.
LANDCENT moved into offices in buildings 3,7, and 8, formerly used by CENTAG and 4ATAF.
중뷰유럽연합지상군은 센탁과 4연합전술공군에 의해 정식으로 3,7,8번 빌딩의 사무실 안으로 이사했다.
The CENTAG Chief of Staff office suite in building 1 was returned to USAREUR.
1번빌딩에 붙어있는 센탁참모장 사무실은 미유럽육군에게 돌아갔다.