하나우-부분번역 이시우 2005/09/30 463


104지역지원군 414기지지원대대는 하나우에 위치해 있다. 평시 104부대와 414부대의 임무는 지역지원단범위 내에 잇는 부대에 지원되는 삶의 질을 제공하는 것이다. 많은 미군시설들이 계속 독일에서 폐쇄되는 동안 하나우와 그 밖에 있는 공동체들(보우에딩겐,겔렌 하우젠,에렌제) 강력하게 유지되고 있다.오늘날 하나우는 작고 부산한 9만인구의 도시이다.1991년 10월 16일 하나우미군공동체는 미육군 유럽사령부계획에 따른 414기지지원대대로서 재배치 되었다.볼프강막사는 1차대전전 탄약공장이었다. 1936년과 1938년사이 탄약기지로 사용되기 위하여 전의 ‘헤르삼트’에 의해 업그레이드 되었다.거대한 건축의 결과로 볼프강은 최근 하나우 군사공동체의 쇼핑과 오락지역을 갖춘 현대적인 주거시설이 되었다. 414기지지원대대는 기초적으로 하나우, 에를렌제 그로스아우하임과 겔른하우젠의 뷰딩겐군공동체로 이루어졌다. 미대륙에 있는 최고의 육군기지들과 달리 하나우 군공동체는 보다 적은수의 시설과 막사를 포함하고 있다.
1-1장갑기병대는 뷰딩겐에 있고 M1A1아브람스와 전투원으로 무장된 항공수색헬기 키오와 의 부대이다.

◦ Argonner Kaserne◦
◦ Armstrong Kaserne◦
◦ Campo Pond Training Area◦
◦ Coleman Kaserne ◦
◦ Fliegerhorst Kaserne◦
◦ Francois Kaserne◦
◦ Grossauheim Kaserne◦
◦ Hainberg Training Area
◦ Hutier Kaserne◦
◦ Pioneer Kaserne◦
◦ Underwood Kaserne◦
◦ Wolfgang Kaserne◦
Yorkhof Kaserne

Welcome to HANAU, GERMANY – land of the Grimm Brothers, linguists and masters of German Folklore! We hope you enjoy your stay! Unlike the typical tourist, you will be here long enough to sample the lifestyle and to get to know the people. Explore Germany. Take advantage of your weekends; they will slip away faster than you think. This can be the most exciting and memorable assignment of your military career!
The 104th Area Support Group (ASG) and the 414th Base Support Battalion (BSB) are located in Hanau.
104지역지원군 414기지지원대대는 하나우에 위치해있다.
The peacetime mission of the 104th ASG and the 414th BSB is to provide quality of life support to the units within the ASG footprint.
평시 104부대와 414부대의 임무는 지역지원단범위 내에 잇는 부대에 지원되는 삶의 질을 제공하는것이다.
While many US facilities continue to close in Germany, Hanau and its outlying communities (Buedingen, Gelnhausen, and Erlensee) remain strong.
많은 미군시설들이 계속 독일에서 폐쇄되는 동안 하나우와 그 밖에 있는 공동체들(보우에딩겐,겔렌 하우젠,에렌제) 강력하게 유지되고 있다.
The history of Hanau is both important and interesting. In the early hours of 19 March 1945, Hanau was violently woken by a massive allied air strike. Close to 85 percent of Hanau was destroyed, and it seemed the city, just 11 miles east of Frankfurt am Main, had suffered a mortal blow.

Today, Hanau is a small, bustling city of approximately 90,000 people.
오늘날 하나우는 작고 부산한 9만인구의 도시이다.
This figure includes the populations of the smaller communities of Wolfgang, Grossauheim, Steinheim, Klein Auheim, Hohe Tanne, and Mitlebuchen as a result of a merger in 1974. Some 13,000 workers commute daily to Hanau, causing the main traffic arteries leading out of town to swell each afternoon. Although Hanau received status as a city from Albrecht I in 1093, it was not until religious refugees poured into the city in 1597 that it began to flourish. Given religious freedom by the ruling Count, these refugees, mostly Dutch and Belgian Wallons, constructed a new city and started new trades, including gold and silver-smithing. The refugees also built the Netherlands Wallon Double Church which stands today on Franzoezische Allee as a monument. Hanau’s Academy of Art was established in 1772 for the training of young people to work in the city’s gold and silver trade. It is the oldest existing school of its kind in Germany. The history of the city touched that of America during our Revolutionary War. A treaty was signed in Hanau in February 1776 to hire mercenaries. This treaty provided England’s King George III with the first contingent of Hessian soldiers for use against the American Colonies. During the early years of the 19th century, Hanau was occupied by Napoleon’s troops and its fortifications were destroyed. In 1886, Hanau fell into Prussian hands. At the beginning of the 20th century, Hanau’s Main River Port was built. This paved the way for trade of all kinds. Despite the world wars, Hanau continued to thrive. Its gold and silver industries attracted gem and other precious metal factories. Today, the products of Heraeus, Quarzlampen Company, Dunlop Rubber, Degussa and many others are vital to the city’s economic welfare.

On 16 October 1991, the US military community in Hanau was redesignated as the 414th BSB in accordance with the United States Army Europe Community Command Plan.
1991년 10월 16일 하나우미군공동체는 미육군 유럽사령부계획에 따른 414기지지원대대로서 재배치 되었다.
Unlike most army posts in CONUS, the Hanau military community is comprised of seventeen smaller installations or “Kasernes”. Each kaserne has an interesting history of its own. Pioneer Kaserne was built under Hilter’s regime between 1938 and 1939. It was occupied by the German Railroad Recruiting and Training Battalions of the 3rd German Railroad Regiment. In 1944 and 1945 the kaserne was damaged by an allied aerial bombardment and was later attacked by artillery fire. It was reestablished by municipal construction agencies organized by the US Government.

Pioneer Kaserne now houses the majority of the facilities for the support and welfare of military personnel and their family members. Fliegerhorst Kaserne was initially built for Hermann Goering’s German Air Force in 1937. The construction plan provided for the project to extend over 15 years and was outlined in three phases. The project began in 1937; however, due to the outbreak of WWII, only the first phase was completed. In 1945, the US Army occupied the kaserne and utilized it as a signal depot, consisting of a maintenance division and a storage division. In 1952 the entire depot was transferred to Pirmasens; the installation was redesignated and assigned artillery, transportation, ordnance and aviation units of the 7th Army. Fliegerhorst currently houses aviation and maintenance facilities, government housing, and support and recreation activities for service members and their families.

Wolfgang Kaserne was a former WWI ammunition factory. It was upgraded between 1936 and 1938 by the former “Herresamnt” for use as an ammo depot.
볼프강막산는 1차대전전 탄약공장이었다. 1936년과 1938년사이 탄약기지로 사용되기 위하여 전의 ‘헤르삼트’에 의해 업그레이드 되었다.
As a result of enormous construction, Wolfgang is currently a modern facility housing the Hanau military comunity’s shopping and entertainment district.
거대한 건축의 결과로 볼프강은 최근 하나우 군사공동체의 쇼핑과 오락지역을 갖춘 현대적인 주거시설이 되었다.
Yorkhof Kaserne was constructed between 1905 and 1911 and was first occupied by troops assigned to the German Army Post Depot. It is now the headquarters of the 104th ASG.

Argonner Kaserne, named after the Argonner Forest, scene of the famous WWI battle, was constructed between 1937 and 1938 and occupied by the German Army Engineer NCO School. Argonner now houses Medical, Dental and Veterinary Services, a guest house, government housing, and both Hanau Middle and Hanau High Schools.

Buedingen also has an interesting history. Buedingen is located just 16 miles from Hanau and is part of the 414th BSB. Buedingen is nestled in the southwestern foothills of the Vogelsberg Mountains. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Franks, seeking to control trade and travel, built many forts in the area surrounded by the Taunus, Vogelsberg, and Spessart Mountains. One of these forts was located in what is now the township of Buedingen. In the 12th century, this small, sandstone fort was replaced by a Carolingian style castle surrounded by a circular wall of stones. The castle, which became the residence of the lords of Buedingen, has been occupied ever since. In order to protect the city, one prince constructed a wall and created a moat. The wall still stands, and the old town is a beautiful example of late Gothic fortification. The Thirty Years War reduced the city’s population from 1500 to 500. Today, the city has approximately 7,000 residents. Highlights from a visit to Buedingen include the Rathaus and the Widow’s residence which are fine examples of 15th century architecture. There are also numerous gates, walls, and towers from the Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque periods. The military installation in Buedingen, formerly known as Krueger Kaserne, was constructed between 1935 and 1939 for the German Machine Gun Battalion 3. This unit was replaced in 1939 by an anti-tank battalion which was stationed on the post until its deployment into combat in 1944.

Following the arrival of the Americans in 1945, the kaserne was renamed Armstrong Kaserne in honor of 1st Lieutenant Armstrong. 1LT Armstrong served as an air observer for the 68th Field Artillery Battalion and was killed in action on Anzio Beach head in Italy. Armstrong Kaserne is currently home to the 1st Squadron 1st Cavalry Regiment of Dragoons.


Hanau, Germany

The 104th Area Support Group (ASG) and the 414th Base Support Battalion (BSB) are located in Hanau. The peacetime mission of the 104th ASG and the 414th BSB is to provide quality of life support to the units within the ASG footprint.
104지역지원단과 414기지지원대대는 하나우에 있다. 104지역지원단과 414지언대대의 평시임무는 지역지원단의 발자국내에서 삶의 질에 대한 지원을 제공하는 것이다.
While many US facilities continue to close in Germany, Hanau and its outlying communities (Buedingen, Gelnhausen, and Fliegerhorst) remain strong.

On 16 October 1991, the US military community in Hanau was redesignated as the 414th BSB in accordance with the United States Army Europe Community Command Plan.
1991년 10월16일 하나우미군공동체는 미유럽육군공동체사령부계획에 따라 414기지지원대로서 재지정되었다.

The 414th Base Support Battalion is primarily composed of the Hanau, Erlensee and Büdingen military communities with sub-communities in Grossauheim and Gelnhausen.
414기지지원대대는 기초적으로 하나우, 에를렌제 그로스아우하임과 겔른하우젠의 뷰딩겐군공동체로 이루어졌다.
Unlike most army posts in CONUS(Continental United States), the Hanau military community is comprised of a number of smaller installations or “Kasernes”.
미대륙에 있는 최고의 육군기지들과 달리 하나우 군공동체는 보다 적은수의 시설과 막사를 포함하고 있다.
Each kaserne has an interesting history of its own. Located in Hanau are Pioneer Kaserne, home to the 130th Combat Engineer Brigade, as well as the Yorkhof, Hutier, and Francois Kasernes. Fliegerhorst Kaserne, home to the 4th Aviation Brigade, is located in nearby Erlensee.
The 1-1st Armored Calvary is based in Büdingen and is home to both the M-1 A-1 Abrams and Kiowa Warrior armed aerial reconnaissance helicopters.
1-1자갑기병대는 뷰딩겐에 있고 M1A1아브람스와 전투원으로 무장된 항공수색헬기 키오와 의 부대이다.
Additionally, numerous 414th BSB family members reside in government housing in Gelnhausen.

The history of Hanau is both important and interesting. In the early hours of 19 March 1945, Hanau was violently awakened by a massive allied air strike. Close to 85 percent of Hanau was destroyed, and it seemed the city, just 11 miles east of Frankfurt am Main, had suffered a mortal blow. Despite the world wars, Hanau continued to thrive. Its gold and silver industries attracted gem and other precious metal factories. Today, the products of Heraeus, Quarzlampen Company, Dunlop Rubber, Degussa and many others are vital to the city’s economic welfare.
Today, Hanau is a small, bustling city of approximately 90,000 people. This figure includes the populations of the smaller communities of Wolfgang, Grossauheim, Steinheim, Klein Auheim, Hohe Tanne, and Mitlebuchen as a result of a merger in 1974. Some 13,000 workers commute daily to Hanau, causing the main traffic arteries leading out of town to swell each afternoon.
Although Hanau received status as a city from Albrecht I in 1093, it was not until religious refugees poured into the city in 1597 that it began to flourish. Given religious freedom by the ruling Count, these refugees, mostly Dutch and Belgian Wallons, constructed a new city and started new trades, including gold and silver-smithing. The refugees also built the Netherlands Wallon Double Church which stands today on Franzoezische Allee as a monument. Hanau’s Academy of Art was established in 1772 for the training of young people to work in the city’s gold and silver trade. It is the oldest existing school of its kind in Germany. The history of the city touched that of America during our Revolutionary War. A treaty was signed in Hanau in February 1776 to hire mercenaries. This treaty provided England’s King George III with the first contingent of Hessian soldiers for use against the American Colonies. During the early years of the 19th century, Hanau was occupied by Napoleon’s troops and its fortifications were destroyed. In 1886, Hanau fell into Prussian hands. At the beginning of the 20th century, Hanau’s Main River Port was built. This paved the way for trade of all kinds.