하나우아르고네르기지지원대대의료부대-한.영문 이시우 2005/09/30 416


Argonner Kaserne
◦ 414th BSB
◦ 133 Md Pm Det

Argonner Kaserne, named after the Argonner Forest, scene of the famous WWI battle, was constructed between 1937 and 1938 and occupied by the German Army Engineer NCO School.
유명한 2차대전 전투의 장면이었던 아르고네르숲 이후에 이름붙여진 아르네르막사는 1937년과 1938사이에 건설되었고 독일육군공변학교에 의해 점령되었다.
German Army engineers used this caserne for their non-commissioned officer school for many years. An interesting sight in this area is an elevated stone wall on which a huge tree is still growing. It was a former gallows used to execute convicted criminals and enemies of the state in the 19th century.
The caserne is now split into two parts, Old and New Argonner.
이 막사는 현재 신구 두개의 부분으로 나뉘어졌다.
Old Argonner is home to the 414th BSB command group as well as a number of MWR facilities.
구아르고네르는 많은 MWR시설분아니라 414기지지원대대 사령부단의 집이다.
New Argonner houses the U.S. Dental and Medical Clinics as well as family housing.
신 아르고네르는 가족주거단지 뿐아니라 미국 치과와 의료클리닉
으로서도 지정되었다.
Argonner now houses Medical, Dental and Veterinary Services, a guest house, government housing, and both Hanau Middle and Hanau High Schools.
아르고네르는 현재 의료 치과 가축병원지원과 방문객사 정부건물 두개의 하나우중학교, 고등학교로 쓰이고 있다.