킷진겐라슨기지-한영문 이시우 2005/10/02 433


Larson Barracks
Kitzingen, Germany
◦ 4-3d ADA Bn (Larson)
◦ 121st Sig Bn (Larson)
◦ 147th Maint Co (Larson)
◦ 17th Sig Bn (Larson)
◦ 212th MP Co (Larson)

There are two military post (kaserns) in Kitzingen Germany, Harvey Barracks and Larson Barracks. Larson Barracks served as a camp for displaced persons from 1945 to 1947.
라슨기지는 1945년부터 1947까지 난민을 위한 캠프로서 복무 했다.
From 1947 to 1952, Larson was used as a collection point for German Army trucks to be overhauled and made ready for sale.
1947년 부터 1952까지 라슨은 독일육군트럭을 검사하고 팔기위해 미리만드는 선택점으로서 사용되었다.
In May 1962, Larson Barracks was named in honor of Captain Stanley L. Larson, Company C, 10th Engineer Battalion, who was killed while clearing a minefield Anzio Beachhead on 23 May 1944.
1962년 5월, 5월23일 안지오해두보 지뢰밭을 제거하는동안 죽은 10공병대대 C중대라슨 대위의 이름으로 라슨막사는 명명됐다.
He was posthumously awarded the distinguish service cross.
그는 사후에 걸출한서비스크로스 상을 받았다.