카이저라우텐셈바흐공군기지-한영문 이시우 2005/10/09 383


Sembach Air Base

Sembach Air Base (AB) is about 45 minutes east of Ramstein Air Base and serves a population of about 2,000.
셈바흐공군기지는 람스타인공군기지로부터 약 45분 거리에 있고 약 2000명정도의 대원이 복무한다.
Effective 1 April, 1995, Sembach Air Base became an annex of Ramstein Air Base and is thus referred to as the Sembach Annex.
사실상 1995년 4월1일부로 셈바흐공군기지는 람스타인공군기지의 부속건물이 되었고 따라서 셈바흐부속건물로 부르고 있다.
Sembach Annex is part of what is called the Kaiserslautern Military Community [the "KMC"].
셈바흐에넥스는 카이저스라우텐 군공동체라 부르는 것의 일부이다.
The KMC, 80 miles southwest of Frankfurt, Germany, is located in the German federal state of Rheinland-Pfalz which borders on Belgium, France, and Luxembourg.

The Kaiserslautern Military Community, a combined branch (Navy-Army-Air Force) community, is the largest overseas US military community, with some 58,800 Military Members, Dependents and DOD Civilians.
해육공군의 연합지부공동체인 카이저스라우텐군공동체는 58000명의 군인과 국방성독립근무민간인으로 이뤄진 해외미군공동체중 가장 크다.
The KMC [or K-Town] includes facilities at Kaiserslautern, Landstuhl, Miesau, Ramstein, and Vogelweh. Ramstein Air Base personnel provide support for operations at other KMC facilities, including Kapaun Air Station, Einsiedlerhof Air Station, the Vogelweh military complex and the Ramstein annex at Sembach (formerly Sembach Air Base).

In September 1999, Van Operational Detachment (VANOPDET) established Expeditionary Logistics Unit (ELU)-1 in Sembach, Germany.
1999년 9월 판직전파견대에 원정병참부대-1이 셈바흐에 설립됐다.
Originally titled EM/MMF-1 in Aviano, Italy, the maintenance facility was moved to a more logistically viable location to increase support capabilities for EA-6B squadrons in the European and Southwest Asian theatre.
원래 이태리의 아비아노에 EM/MMF-1이라 이름붙은 유지시설은 더욱 병참에 유리한 장소로 유럽인과 남서아시아전구의 EA-6B를 위한 증가하는 지원능력을 위하여 이동햇다.
Sembach is located in rolling farm country ten miles north of Kaiserslautern, just off the Mannheim/Saarbruecken Autobahn.
셈바흐는 만하임과 사라브뢰켄 아우토반에서 약간 떨어진 카우저스라우텐의 10마일북측 비탈진 농가마을에 위치해 있다.
Also nearby are the vineyards of the Rhine Valley.
또한 가까이에 라인마을의 포도원이 있다.
The State of Rheinland Palatinate stretches from the Rhein River to the north, the Mosel to the northwest, and the Saar to the west.

Sembach is centrally located; shopping, entertainment, and recreation are readily available in nearby Kaiserslautern. Frankfurt International Airport is about a 50- minute drive away.

Sembach AB has recreational facilities that include a bowling center, gymnasium, tennis courts, racquetball courts, football, soccer, basketball, theater, and a Combined Club for all ranks. A gas station, auto parts store (limited supplies), and auto hobby shops are available. Gas coupons can be bought at the exchange for off-base purchases. A USAF clinic is available for routine medical needs. Emergency dental cart may be available. Medical facilities are available at the Landstuhl Medical Center. A gas station, auto parts store (limited supplies), and auto hobby shops are available. The U.S. Army maintains an education center in Sembach and others in nearby cities for language courses and advanced studies.

Several American universities offer graduate programs in the area.
이지역안에는 몇몇 미국대학들이 졸업프로그램을 제공한다.
The weather varies from cold to hot, wet or dry as it is in many countries. It is best to bring clothing for all seasons.
날씨는 많은 나라처럼 추위와 더위 습도와 건조가 다양하다. 모든 계절을 위한 옷을 가지고 가야한다.
Two of Sembach’s four wells are prone to seasonal nitrate contamination from nearby farming.
셈바흐의 4개의 우물중 2개는 가까운 농장의 계절별 질산오염 때문에 수그러들었다.
At risk are infants (blue baby syndrome from nitrites).
위험한 상태는 초기이다.(질산화로 인한 푸른아기 신드롬)
Households with infants are provided bottled water.
유안와 함게 가족들은 생수통을 제공받았다.
In addition, Sembach occasionally experiences high levels of trichloroethane, or TCE, an organic liquid used in the making of synthetic fibers and plastic wraps.
추가로 셈바흐는 종합섬유와 플라스틱포장재만드는데 쓰는 트리클로로에틸렌 유기용액 트리클로로에틸렌(금속유지제거제)의 높은등급을 때때로 경험한다.
Excessive exposure can cause liver damage and other health problems. Due to the contamination, short-term fixes to the system were initiated last year and longer-term options are being considered.

A study scheduled last year to assess and improve the operations and maintenance of the Sembach system was delayed so system upgrades and modifications could be undertaken and completed.
작전의 발전을 평가하고 셈바흐시스템의 유지를 평가하기위한 마지막해로 예정된 연구는 연기되었고 그래서 시스템업그레이드와 변형은 책임지고 완벽하게 해야햇다.

BRAC(Base Realignment And Closure기지재편성과 폐쇄) 2005
In another recommendation, DoD would establish a Combat Air Force Logistics Support Center at Langley Air Force Base by realigning Regional Supply Squadrons positions from Hickam Air Force Base and Sembach, Germany (non-BRAC programmatic) as well as base-level Logistics Readiness Squadron (LRS) positions from Luke Air Force Base.
또다른 추천에 의해 국방성은 히캄공군기지와 셈바흐에 위치한 지역지원분대재편성 뿐아니라 루크공군기지에 있는 기지레벨병참태세분대에 의해 랭글리공군기지에 전투공군병참지원센타를 설릴할 것이다.
As part of the same recommendation, DoD would establish a Mobility Air Forces Logistics Support Center at Scott Air Force Base by realigning Regional Supply Squadron positions from Hurlburt Field and Sembach (non-BRAC programmatic) and LRS positions from Little Rock Air Force Base and Altus Air Force Base.
같은 추천의 일부로서 국방성은 헐버트비행장과 셈바흐(재편성과 폐쇄프로그램이 아닌)에 위치한 재편성지역지원분대, 그리고 리틀룩공군기지와 알투스공군기지에 위치한 병참태세분대의해 스코트공군기지에 기동공군병참지원센타를 설립할 것이다.
These recommendations would be a transformational opportunity consistent with eLog21 initiatives that would standardize Air Force materiel management command and control.
이들 추천은 표준적인 공군재료관리 지휘와 통제를 위한 eLOG21과 일치하는 변형의 기회를 줄것이다.
This recommendation would realign RSSRegional Supply Squadron manpower (from three MAJCOM locations) and base-level LRS manpower (from three installations) into two LSCsLogistics Support Center in support of Combat Air Forces and Mobility Air Forces.
이 추천은 3개의 주요전구에 위치한 지역지원분대인력의 재편성과 전투공군과 기동공군을 지원하는 두개의 병참지원센타안에 있는 (3개의 시설에 있는) 기지수준의 병참태세분대를 재편성할 것이다.