안스바흐 방포대 235기지지원대-발췌번역 이시우 2005/10/11 414


안스바흐 방포대 235기지지원대

◦ Barton Barracks◦
◦ 235th BSB headquarters
◦ military police
◦ military intelligence
◦ personnel
◦ finance
◦ Bismarck Kaserne◦ /Katterbach Kaserne
◦ 4th Brigade 1st Infantry Div
◦ 11th Aviation Regiment
◦ 1-1 Atk Hel Bn
◦ 2-1 Atk Hel Bn
◦ 601 Div Avn Spt Bn
◦ 7-159 Aviation Regiment
◦ 147th Maintenance Company
◦ Det-5 7th Weather Squadron (USAF)
◦ Shipton Kaserne◦
◦ 6-52 ADA Bn (Patriot)
◦ 45 Air Amb Bn
Urlas Local Training Area

Dear Newcomer,
Welcome to Ansbach! I hope your transition to Germany and the 235th Base Support Battalion (BSB) will be a pleasant one. Your new assignment promises to be one area of operation you will never forget. I hope this tour of duty will be a professional challenge as well as an opportunity to explore Germany and the surrounding European countries. I am sure you will return to the United States with many wonderful memories.
Located in Bavaria, Ansbach is a beautiful city with a rich history. Margrave’s Palace, the Orangerie and Park, and the Kasper-Hauser-Memorial are just a few of the many historical sights located here. Ansbach has a population of about 40,000 and is the capital of Middle Franconia. You will have many opportunities to travel and experience the unique German culture.
Community life is excellent. We offer many programs geared toward families, as well as single soldiers. We have many of the facilities and programs you would find on installations in the United States. These include medical and dental facilities, recreational activities and facilities, commissaries, post exchanges, movie theaters, restaurants, and more. I encourage you to take full advantage of all we have to offer.
Again, I welcome you and wish you the best on your tour here in Ansbach.

MWR – Serving America’s Army
Ansbach is located in the northern part of Bavaria, approximately 117 miles southeast of Frankfurt and 26 miles southwest of Nuernberg. Ansbach Military Community consists of three separate US installations:
안스바흐는 프랑크푸르트로부터 183km 뉴른베르그 남서로 41km에 잇다.

KATTERBACH AND BISMARCK KASERNES Located in the village of Katterbach, the posts are three miles from Ansbach on highway 14 toward Nuernberg, and cover an area of approximately 863 acres.
카터바흐와 비스마르크막사는 뉴른베르그로 쪽으로난 14번 고속도로상의 안스바흐로부터 48km에 있다.
Construction began in 1935 and was completed in 1938. During World War II, the German air force flew missions from Katterbach to Poland, France, England, and Russia. After the war, the Unites States took control of the two posts and the first U.S. unit to be garrisoned there was the 1st Infantry Division. In 1964, an aviation unit moved to the airfield. It was redesignated to the 48th Aviation Company and later moved to Stuttgart in 1975.
Current occupants of the installation include 4th Brigade 1st Infantry Division which consists of aviation and maintenance units, and Air Force liaison (weather).
최근의 시설물의 거주자들은 공군연락(기상)과 항공과 유지부대로 구성된 1사단4여단이다.

Facilities on Shipton were built in the late 1980′s and the post’s training area is adjacent to Soldier’s Lake, a recreational site with picnic and fishing facilities. The 6th Battalion (Patriot), 52nd Air Defense Artillery occupies the post at present.
안스바흐 쉽턴막사는 1980년말에 건설되었고, 군인호수의 근처이다.
현재는 6대대(패트리어트) 52방공포대가 점령했다.

Barton Barracks was built between 1936 and 1938. During World War II, a German heavy motorized battery was billeted there. The post was named in the honor of Lt. Colonel David Barton who was killed in action June 3, 1944, in Velletri, Italy. Present occupants include the 235th BSB headquarters, military police, military intelligence, and personnel and finance units.
바톤 막사의 현재 거주자는 235기지지원대대사령부들 헌병 군정보와 인사 재정부대들을 포함한다.