만하임 푸나리5신호부대 이시우 2005/11/12 312


Funari Barracks
Mannheim, Germany


The Mannheim Community Service Center, located in Funari Barracks, provides a wide range of communications services to the Mannheim Military Community and to the 293d Base Support Battalion.
The Army Computer Emergency Response Team (ACERT) has forward deployed elements in order to better support the warfighter in the detection and response of computer network security events. The Regional CERTs (RCERTs) are located in Fort Huachuca, Arizona; Funari Barracks, Mannheim, Germany; Fort Shafter, Hawaii; and Taegu, Korea to support the Continental United States (CONUS), U.S. Army Europe (USAREUR), U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC), and Eighth U.S. Army respectively. Two additional RCERTs are planned for Fort Gordon, Georgia and South West Asia (SWA) to support the Army component to U. S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) and the Army component to U. S. Central Command (CENTCOM) respectively. Each of the RCERTs are collocated with the Army Signal Command’s (ASC) Theater Network Operation and Security Centers (TNOSCs) that manage the Army’s backbone networks to facilitate communication and coordination between network operations management and network security management.
