다름스타트 아슥하펜부르그훈련센타 이시우 2005/09/22 219

Aschaffenburg-Schweinheim West Local Training Area
Aschaffenburg Military Community, Germany
Aschaffenburg no longer maintains a military mission.
아쉬하팬 베르그는 더 이상 군사적 임무를 유지하지 않는다.
The community is now used to provide housing and limited logistic support to military families.
Soldiers and families of units stationed in Babenhausen also live in Aschaffenburg in two government housing areas, in what used to be the Aschaffenburg military community. A child development center, library, gym, youth center and a combined commissary-exchange facility are some of the service facilities available in Aschaffenburg.
Also located in Aschaffenburg is a local training area with shooting ranges, tank ranges, helipads, a rappelling facility and a Fox (chemical reconnaissance vehicle) simulator.
Babenhausen is a picturesque military post located in the heart of Germany. Situated between the Main and Rhein rivers at the foot of the Odenwald Forest, it offers great opportunities for scenic bicycle rides, hiking and weekends jaunts through ancient castles and museums. Located just 30 minutes from the Frankfurt international airport, all of Europe is at your doorstep. Just 5 hours from Paris, Czechoslovakia, Brussels and Venice by car, it’s a great central location to travel from.
The real plum, however, is the nearby town of Aschaffenburg, just 15 minutes away, with it’s gorgeous 16th century Johannisburg castle and scenic walking area. Military housing is available in Aschaffenburg and at the Babenhausen Kaserne. The community has little crime, good train connections and a commissary, P.X., bowling alley, elementary school and medical/dental clinic. High schoolers are bused to Hanau, 25 minutes away.