유엔본부에 관한 미국과 유엔간 각서2003/07/19 252

A Decade of American Foreign Policy 1941-1949 Headquarters of the United Nations Contents (a) Agreement Between the United Nations and the United States Regarding the Headquarters of the United Nations, Signed June 26, 1947, and Approved by the General Assembly…

유엔헌장-한,영문2005/05/06 273

국제연합헌장(Charter of the United Nations) 1945년 06월 26일 샌프란시스코에서 서명 우리 연합국 국민들은, 우리 일생 중에 두 번이나 말할 수 없는 슬픔을 인류에 가져온 전쟁의 불행에서 다음 세대를 구하고, 기본적 인권, 인간의 존엄 및 가치, 남녀 및 대소 각국의 평등권에…

헝가리정전협정2003/07/17 207

Armistice Agreement with Hungary; January 20, 1945 (1) Art 1 Art 2 Art 3 Art 4 Art 5 Art 6 Art 7 Art 8 Art 9 Art 10 Art 11 Art 12 Art 13 Art 14 Art 15 Art 16…

이태리정전협정2003/07/17 289

Armistice with Italy; September 3, 1943 Art 1 Art 2 Art 3 Art 4 Art 5 Art 6 Art 7 Art 8 Art 9 Art 10 Art 11 Art 12 Military armistice signed at Fairfield Camp, Sicily, September 3, 1943…

루마니아정전협정2003/07/17 240

The Armistice Agreement with Rumania; September 12, 1944 Art 1 Art 2 Art 3 Art 4 Art 5 Art 6 Art 7 Art 8 Art 9 Art 10 Art 11 Art 12 Art 13 Art 14 Art 15 Art 16…

불가리아정전협정2003/07/17 182

The Armistice Agreement with Bulgaria; October 28, 1944 Art 1 Art 2 Art 3 Art 4 Art 5 Art 6 Art 7 Art 8 Art 9 Art 10 Art 11 Art 12 Art 13 Art 14 Art 15 Art 16…

ANZUS호주뉴질랜드-미안보선언2003/07/17 269

Security Treaty Between the United States, Australia, and New Zealand (ANZUS); September 1, 1951(1) http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/intdip/usmulti/usmu002.htm

NATO북대서양조약2003/07/17 202

North Atlantic Treaty; April 4, 1949 Art 1 Art 2 Art 3 Art 4 Art 5 Art 6 Art 7 Art 8 Art 9 Art 10 Art 11 Art 12 Art 13 Art 14 Washington DC, 4th April 1949 The…

태평양헌장2003/07/17 211

Pacific Charter, September 8, 1954 (1) The Delegates of Australia, France, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Republic of the Philippines, the Kingdom of Thailand, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America; DESIRING to…

중미합동선언2003/07/17 473

Joint United States-Chinese Statement; December 1, 1954(1) Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, at his news conference today, made the following announcement: The United States of America and the Republic of China have concluded negotiations for a mutual security pact….

중미외무장관교환각서2003/07/17 338

Exchange of Notes Between the Secretary of State and the Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs, December 10, 1954 (1) (A) The Secretary of State to the Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to refer to recent…

미-필방위조약2003/07/17 423

Mutual Defense Treaty Between the United States and the Republic of the Philippines; August 30, 1951(1) The Parties to this Treaty, Reaffirming their faith in the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and their desire to…