M93 HORNET WAM(광역탄약)2003/12/14 186
http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/m93.htm M93 HORNET [Family of Wide Area Munitions - WAM ] The WAM (Wide Area Munition) is a smart, autonomous top attack anti-tank/anti-vehicle munition, designed to defeat armored combat vehicles from a standoff distance. The WAM utilizes acoustic and seismic…
M86 PDM (억제용탄약)특수부대용2003/12/14 192
http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/pdm.htm M86 Pursuit Deterrent Munition (PDM) DESCRIPTION: PDM is a manually-activated Area Denial Artillery Munition (ADAM) with a hand grenade-type release firing mechanism. It deploys up to seven trip wires and possesses the ADAM self-destruct capabilities. For safety purposes, arming…
M70,M73 RAAMS 원격조정대전차지뢰2003/12/14 228
M70 / M73 Remote Anti-Armor Munition (RAAM) M718 long-destruct M741 short-destruct Remote Anti-Armor Munition (RAAM) mines mines are delivered by 155mm howitzer. RAAM should not be planned on hard surface roads or airfields as the mines will shatter or break…
M67,M72 ADAM 야포발사식대인지뢰2003/12/14 212
http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/adam.htm M67 / M72 Area Denial Anti-personnel Mine (ADAM) M692 long-destruct M731 short-destruct Area Denial Anti-personnel Mine (ADAM) mines are delivered by 155mm howitzer. ADAM should not be planned on hard surface roads or airfields as the mines will shatter…
대인살상용 클레모어2003/12/14 220
http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/m18-claymore.htm M18 Claymore The M18 Claymore, a directional fragmentation mine, is 8-1/2 inches long, 1-3/8 inches wide, 3-1/4 inches high, and weighs 3-1/2 pounds. The mine contains 700 steel spheres (10.5 grains) and 1-1/2 pound layer of composition C-4 explosive…
M15대전차지뢰2003/12/14 284
http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/atm.htm M15, M19 and M21 Anti-Tank (AT) Mines DESCRIPTION: The M15 AT Mine is 13-1/8 inches in diameter, 4-7/8 inches high, and weighs 30 pounds with 22 pounds of high explosives. The mine is a track-breaker and is activated by…
M2 SLAM(선택적경량공격탄약)특수부대용2003/12/14 216
http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/slam.htm M2 Selectable Lightweight Attack Munition (SLAM) DESCRIPTION. SLAM is an anti-materiel and anti-vehicular (through light armor such as a BMP) munition that is light, compact, effective, and readily usable by Special Operation Forces (SOF) units to destroy enemy vehicles,…
비산족지뢰(흩어지는류의 지뢰)-FASCAM 2003/12/14 273
http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/fascam.htm Family of Scatterable Mines – FASCAM The family of scatterable mines adds new dimension to mine warfare, providing the maneuver commander with a rapid, flexible means of delaying, harassing, paralyzing, canalizing, or wearing down the enemy forces in both…
M14,M16 대인지뢰영문판2003/12/14 331
http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/apm.htm 위 주소를 누르면 그림설명 까지 볼 수 있습니다. M14 / M16 Anti-Personnel (AP) Mines Anti-Personnel (AP) mines can kill or incapacitate their victims. They can be fused by pressure, wire, or command detonation and contain a blast, bounding-fragmentation, or…
대인지뢰제거및피해보상등에관한법-검토보고서2003/12/02 277
대인지뢰의제거및피해보상등에관한법률안 (김형오의원 발의) 검 토 보 고 서 2003. 11. 국 방 위 원 회 전 문 위 원 대인지뢰의제거및피해보상등에관한법률안 (김형오의원 발의) 검 토 보 고 1. 제 안 경 위 가. 발 의 자 : 김형오의원 외 30인 나….
지뢰및 특정재래무기사용및 이전금지에 관한법-심사보..2003/12/02 392
지뢰등특정재래식무기사용및이전의규제에관한법률안 심 사 보 고 서 2001. 4 국방위원회 1. 심사경과 가. 제안일자 및 제안자 : 2000. 7. 24, 정부 나. 회부일자 : 2000. 7. 24 다. 상정 및 의결일자 ○ 제215회국회(정기회) 제8차위원회(2000. 12. 4) 상정, 대체토론, 소위회부 제9차위원회(2000. 12….
유엔이라크결의 1511호-영문2003/10/22 394
http://www.acronym.org.uk/docs/0310/doc06.htm#01에서 보실수 있습니다. U.N. Security Council Resolution 1511 on Iraq, October 16 The UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 1511 on October 16. The resolution, originally proposed by the United States, was co-sponsored by Cameroon, Spain and United Kingdom. Text…
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